A Biography of Dr Alfred Kinsey who revolutionised the American sex life during the 1940s. Liam Neeson and Laura Linney are both excellent, Neeson as the quiet but determined doctor and Linney as the long suffering wife. Another excellent performance comes from John Lithgow as Neeson's father. Dr Kinsey's straight method of talking is sometimes rather brutal as are some of the images throughout the film, but you never stop feeling for this quiet unassuming academic who is just trying to help people relax and enjoy sex for what it is.
Watch This If: you love Liam Neeson as much as I do.......
Watch Out For: the rather graphic slides Dr Kinsey shows during his Marriage Class.
Watch This If: you love Liam Neeson as much as I do.......
Watch Out For: the rather graphic slides Dr Kinsey shows during his Marriage Class.